Tuesday, June 5, 2012

I am a Writer!

I am working my way through a 15-day course called the Great Writers Series by Jeff Goins and today is day 1. The challenge for today is to declare yourself a writer. You have to believe and declare, and not necessarily in that order.

What we really believe in our hearts plays such an important role in our lives every day. It is out of those heart-held beliefs that we think, do and say; how we respond or react in any given situation. "As a man thinks in his heart, so is he," says the Bible.

We need to know what we know but I don't think very many people really do. From my life and observations I think we all live out of a faulty perception of self because it's scary and a lot of hard work to face the things buried inside everyone of us.

I have considered myself an artist but I'm still struggling with believing that I'm a writer, and a very prolific one even if most of it has been unread by others. So, today, I declare myself a writer!! Whoo-hooo!!

What do you believe to be true about yourself? What do you want to believe to be true about yourself? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.

Quote for the day:
Place your hand over your heart. Do you feel that? That's called a purpose. You're alive for a reason. Don't ever forget it! Don't ever give up!  - Lessons Learned in Life

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