Thursday, August 29, 2013

Slow Down and Savour the Moment

Savour: to relish or enjoy [from Old French savour, 
from Latin sapor taste, from sapere to taste]

The word of the day is 'savour'. In retrospect I have done very little savouring over the span of my life, excepting over the last couple of years, during which time I have been learning how to savour my life. I think I'm getting much better at it.

For instance, I am savouring the time spent with my son and his family who are visiting me for a couple of days. Life is so much different when you savour it. To savour one must take the time to really taste that thing, to really see what you are looking at, truly experiencing it instead of being to busy to take the time. You do not have to like everything you taste in order to experience it. I think we forget that, or maybe don't realize it to begin with. In truth taking the time to give your full attention to the moment is really 'loving' in its truest sense.

 I'm learning to savour time spent on my art, time with my husband, my children and grandchildren, time spent cleaning my house or playing with the dog, even time spent in the shower or giving myself a pedicure.  Once I grasped hold of the word I began to apply it to everything I do.

Savouring the moment helps me to 'be here now'—to remember to experience and enjoy fully whatever it is I may be doing at this moment in time. To live life now. It seems I have to constantly remind myself to come back to the present moment and give my undivided attention to it, while also remembering that this is a process, and growth requires time to happen. That is okay.

My hope is that eventually I will find that I have formed a habit of being aware and in the moment. I will have intentionally retrained my thinking to savour each moment of life. What a gift to give myself and others!

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