Thursday, December 13, 2012

Advice to a child

Musings in Wonderland Magazine,  recently shared this question:  If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your self as a creative child? Part of this I shared with them but it got me to thinking and so I expanded it a bit and decided to include it here.

Knowing what I know today, these are the things I wish someone had told me during my childhood.

Face your fears. Don't run from them. They are not nearly as scary as you think they are. Accept that pain comes in everyone's life, then let it go. The pain only lasts for a little bit then it goes away.

Forgive yourself first. Love yourself first. You have infinite value and worth just because you are you. Believe it. Then act on it.

Don't give up on your dream. You can make good choices. Just do it. It's okay to make mistakes. Everyone does. Just learn from them and move on. It doesn't make you less of a person. You don't believe other people are stupid because they make mistakes. Neither are you stupid because you make mistakes.

Use your brain. Be aware of your thoughts. Monitor them. Control them. You are the only one who can control your thoughts. Choose your thoughts like you'd choose what to wear for a special event. What you think really does matter. Believe it.

Balance the time you spend thinking about yourself with the time you spend thinking about others. You do not live on this planet by yourself. Everything you think, do and say affects others way beyond what you can know or understand. Look for ways to be of service to other people. Helping others makes them and you feel good about yourselves.

Follow your passion. Protect it. Nurture it. Work at being enthusiastic about your passon and don't let others squash it. Find people to be around who encourage you. You are building your future with what you do today.

And most of all, remember that life is a journey to be lived one day at a time. Enjoy today as best you can for that is what you have to work with. It is enough.

If you will read this everyday, seriously thinking about it until it becomes part of your thinking, it will help guide you on your life journey.

What would be your answer to that question? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.


  1. Wow! Great answers to that question! I think mine would be pretty similar. I think I would add "Don't compare yourself to others" (although that could quite possibly fall under the umbrella of monetering your thoughts), and enjoy being a beginner and learning your craft from the ground up.

    Thank you so much for your super-sweet comment on my interview over at Jenniebellies today! I really appreciate that you not only took the time to comment but left such a wonderful one! Thank you!

    1. You're entirely welcome. Thanks for commenting here. I'm new at this blog thing but I enjoy writing it as well as reading other people's musings.

      Not comparing yourself to others is a biggy. I'm not a beginner at the art part but I often feel like one anyway. : ) To enjoy being a beginner is quite profound. Why is it that we so often pass over the obvious stuff?
